Maybe you've followed me here from Lost Daughters. Welcome!
I first began writing about adoption at Lost Daughters where I am now the spiritual columnist and continue to be very involved. It's an amazing community!
The following are links to my posts there:
Affected By Adoption ~ Body, Soul & Spirit
Blogging Adoption and Everyday Life
How Long Are Adoptees Going To Have to Keep Paying For Our Adoptions?
I Dared to Go There! (And Some Literally Fell on the Floor!)
Personal Opinions Regarding Adoption
Questions People Ask A Christian-Out-of-the-Fog-Adoptee
The Adopted Ones
The Beauty of Coming Out of the Fog And Finally Being True to Ourselves
The Unexpected
What I'm Doing to Help Orphans
When People Leave
When You Get That Feeling
Why Adoptees Don't Let Go of the Past
To read all of the amazing posts by the sisterhood at Lost Daughters, I encourage you to go there and subscribe. It's free!