August 21, 2022

It's LEGAL! Forever & Ever Amen!


Gus and I already knew 100% that we are father and daughter. We matched on 23 and Me with his nephew, and then we had a paternity test done through a home kit. Plus, he remembers the relationship with my mother, and all of that. Not to mention, I look just like him! But…

I want to have it done completely LEGAL, and something that would literally stand up in a court of law. (Not that we will ever need that, but I just wanted to have it.) 


After all the many years of searching for him, and the blood, sweat and tears, I’ve gone through…it’s way too much work and means way too much not to make it 1000% official and have a third party, legal DNA test done.  There are legal DNA companies that are mobile and will come to any location and I hired one to come out and test us. Here's a picture of the lab technician doing Gus's part of the test.

Now it’s legal schmegal, forever and ever and ever and ever AMEN!!

Woot woot!!!