April 25, 2014

Adoptees and a Broken God-Concept


Many adoptees don’t turn to God to heal them because they’re convinced He caused the separation from their first family. After all, it’s what they are so often told…

“God had a plan…”
“God always ordained this for you…”

Do I believe God has a plan for my life? Absolutely.
Do I believe God ordains my steps? Yes.
Do I believe God is responsible for the separation of my first family? No.

I don’t believe God causes everything that happens. To allow and to cause are two different things.

I do believe He works all things together for our good, if we let Him. A huge part of that is our own wise choices. I can't control everything that happens to me in life but I can choose how I respond to it.

Everything that has happened to me in life hasn’t been good or God.

But God was always there through it all, and when life dealt some harsh blows, God was an ever present help – time and time and time again.

Recently I’ve been reading a book my sister gave me called, “Overwhelmed” by her pastor, Perry Noble. One of the key points Perry makes is, “In a world that is bad, God is still good.”

I understood this truth from the time I was really young. By God’s grace I was able to grasp the goodness of God early on and didn’t allow anyone to talk me out of it. 

I find it easy to reach for God to heal me because I don’t  believe He hurt me.   
I wish all adoptees could know this.

God loves you.
There’s nothing He won’t help you through. You can trust Him.

*Photo by Deanna Doss Shrodes